News 2024


The writer and director of The Anne Frank Gift Shop on using humour to process horror

Read full article on the magazine: BY #legend Dec 27, 2024 Audience Award winner for Best Short at last month’s Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival, The Anne Frank Gift Shop is not your typical take on the Holocaust. Writer and director Mickey Rapkin talks to Jaz Kong about using humour to process horror  “The holocaust” and “humour” are not terms one would expect to find in the same sentence, let alone the description of a popular film. But, as Mickey Rapkin says, “We’re living in strange times. Anti-Semitic incidents are on the rise. The Anne Frank Gift Shop takes aim at a very real problem – a generation with little awareness of the Holocaust – and attempts to solve it with humour by meeting this audience where they live.” The Anne Frank Gift Shop, which won the Audience Award for Best Short after its screening at the 25th Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival in November, is a 15-minute short film that imagines a meeting between The Anne Frank House and the New York design firm they’ve hired to renovate their gift shop to appeal to young people. Its mockumentary style is reminiscent of The Office or Parks and Recreation, as are the dynamics between the characters – including representatives from the museum, creative brains from the ad agency and a young influencer who is mocked early on in the film for her comment after visiting The Anne Frank House that “the attic was big”. Mickey Rapkin Rapkin, who wrote and directed The Anne Frank Gift Shop as well as wrote the book that inspired the film series Pitch Perfect, says the project grew out of a sense of real concern. “A landmark 2020 study – the US Millennial Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness Survey interviewing adults aged 18-39, also known as Millennials and Gen Z, across 50 states in the US, and later on, other parts of the world as well – by the Conference on Jewish...

In ‘Single Light’, Shaylee Atary Delivers A Hauntingly Beautiful Portrayal Of Survival

Friday Club. 12/11/2024   Read full article on the magazine:   Disclaimer: Single Light deals with themes of sexual assault, which may be distressing for some readers. This review discusses these elements in relation to the film’s narrative. Image courtesy of Omer Weiss Some films entertain, and then there are those that linger in your soul long after the credits roll. Shaylee Atary’s ‘Single Light’ firmly belongs to the latter, and we were privileged to view it this month alongside its Hong Kong screening. In a masterstroke of storytelling that is both restrained and profound, Atary explores trauma with rare grace – acknowledging the horror without exploiting it, the pain without exaggeration. This is a film that doesn’t just tell you about trauma; it immerses you in its quiet, stifling presence, making you feel as though you’re experiencing it alongside the protagonist, Lali. The film opens in a Tel Aviv parking lot, where a single streetlight illuminates Lali – played by the remarkable Yael Elkana – in a moment that will change her life forever. This streetlight is no ordinary fixture; it becomes a silent witness to Lali’s anguish, and its presence haunts her journey as both a symbol of torment and, eventually, strength. During the assault, Lali is transfixed by the streetlight, caught in a state of paralysis as the light seems to both expose and isolate her. The recurring motif of this streetlight is layered with meaning, and each time it returns, it serves as a visual reminder of her past while illuminating the path forward. Image courtesy of Omer Weiss Much of the film’s power lies in its subtleties. Atary’s decision to strip away the noise – both literally and figuratively – is a revelation. Here, silence becomes a character of its own, allowing us to feel the oppressive weight of the incident. The quiet...

Lycée Français International de Hong Kong - French INternational Schollo

Shaylee Atary at The French International School

Shaylee Atary an Israeli film director and actor whose film Single Light is being featured at the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival's 25th Anniversary this year, gave a moving presentation at The French International School with Chair of HKJFF Eli Bitan, and HKJFF Board Member Jean Phillipe Gry. ...


Shaylee Atary at Elsa High School

Shaylee Atary an Israeli Film director and Actor and Shani Brownstein Festival Producer of Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival gave a presentation at Elsa HIgh School Campus at Carmel School in Hong Kong. Shaylee is here to preset her newest film Single Light: which will she will introduce at this year's 25th Anniversary HKJFF. Carmel School is committed to providing the very best in Jewish and secular education by providing a rich and balanced curriculum to suit the needs of our students and the demands of the 21st century. The School sets high expectations for all students through a broad and challenging curriculum. ...


A Proud Legacy Being Neighbourly x Eli Bitan, The Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival

Read the full article here: It’s been over 30 years since Eli Bitan, Chairman of the Hong Kong Jewish Festival (HKJFF), left his native France and touched down in Hong Kong. The former banker-now investor has served in his current role of festival Chairman since 2017, but his involvement as a board member goes back to 2003. According to him, Jewish people love nothing more than to talk about their past and films are an excellent vehicle for storytelling.   In the 25 years of the HKJFF’s existence, there have been a lot of stories and to celebrate its 25th anniversary, 25 more films will be shown this year and added to the catalogue with the festival extended by three days. Films are being shown at two venues this year— the Cineart (JP) in Causeway Bay and the “neighbourhood” Golden Scene Cinema in Kennedy Town. Unknown to some, who conjecture that the HKJFF is a business, says Bitan, the HKJFF is actually a registered charity, says Bitan, that runs on donations from tiered sponsors. “Many are legacy sponsors who have been donating for many years,” he adds. Despite the impressive list of films and sponsors on this year’s program, Bitan is circumspect, “Although we are 25 years old, I think of the Jewish Film Festival as the child to the French Film Festival’s parent,” he says, with a smile. To outsiders, however, his is a smooth and well-synthesised operation. The charity has a 10-person board, a viewing committee and a well-established process and timeline they revert to each year. Why, after all, reinvent the wheel? “Every year in Spring, the viewing committee starts viewing some 200 films in batches. We have contact with distributors who are printing certain films and reference the big festivals such as those in Berlin, Cannes and Jerusalem to establish our lineup, and...


SCMP – October 7 widow on her film at Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival: art has a way of healing

Read the full article here: by Kylie Knott After many years with the Post, Kylie Knott found her calling on the culture and lifestyle desk. She writes about the environment, animal welfare, food and the arts. Shaylee Atary directed Single Light, inspired by a sexual assault she suffered. It is one of 25 films in festival celebrating Jewish culture It is hard to fathom how much trauma Israeli filmmaker Shaylee Atary has endured. In 2016, she was in a car accident that required lengthy rehabilitation. “I was in a wheelchair for more than a year,” says Atary, who today walks with the help of a cane. The story inspired a 2020 short film, Neurim, which Atary wrote, directed and starred in. In 2023 she released Single Light, a story based on a sexual assault she experienced that emphasises the importance of friendship during dark times. The perfect thing about art is that it has a way of healing, because you write the story again, and you take control back. Shaylee Atary, director of Single Light “In this dark moment, all that a person needs is just one light,” says Atary, 35, on a video call from Israel. “Just one person to be there and not be afraid of the situation.” Writing the film was healing, she says. Read the full article here and much more in this article about the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival :


RTHK – The Sunday Escape 3/11/2024

Listen here: Presenters:Paul Haswell and Carolyn Wright Paul and Carolyn (AKA the Pop Fugitives) are plotting to make their Escape every Sunday morning between 9 and 1. Paul and Caroline interview Eli Bitan (HKJFF Chair) and Dina Wosner (Board Member). The interview begins on Part 2 at the 8:30 minute mark. (see and click on the image below). Interesting, Informative and worth a listen, especially if you are still deciding which tickets to purchase,Join them on the Sunday Escape to hear the best in new music, including three tracks from their album of the week, along with a carefully curated selection of classics, plus interviews with guests from all over the city and beyond. There’s also occasional live music in the studio and all the details of upcoming music events in Hong Kong. On top of all that is “Biscuit Review”, now a Sunday Escape institution, a feature perfectly designed to complement the most eclectic mix of music on Radio.   ...


La French Radio: « Jewish Film Festival » : 25 séances pour 25 ans du festival

Lire le texte intégral en ligne : 01 Nov 2024 Ecouter le podcast: Le « Jewish Film Festival" aura lieu à Hong Kong du 9 au 20 novembre. Elie Bitan, Président du Conseil d’administration, organisateur du festival, et Jean-Philippe Gry, membre du CA ont accepté de nous parler de cet événement fort de la vie culturelle locale. On écoute. Le « Jewish Film Festival" aura lieu à Hong Kong du 9 au 20 novembre. Elie Bitan, Président du Conseil d’administration, organisateur du festival, et Jean-Philippe Gry, membre du CA ont accepté de nous parler de cet événement fort de la vie culturelle locale. On écoute.   « The most precious of cargo » – “La plus précieuses des marchandises » Film d’animation Franco-belge de Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist) En pleine Seconde Guerre mondiale, de longs trains transportent leur cargaison d’âmes innocentes vers l’enfer. Un jour, alors qu’un père cherche désespérément à sauver au moins un de ses bébés, un paquet rose et frétillant tombe d’un wagon plombé. Un pauvre bûcheron et sa femme sauvent la petite fille, apportant un changement irrévocable à leur vie et à ceux dont l’enfant croisera le chemin. Leur histoire fera ressortir ce qu’il y a de pire et de meilleur dans le cœur des hommes. Voir un extrait ICI     « Auction » – « Le Tableau volé » Comédie dramatique de Pascal Bonitzer avec Alex Lutz, Léa Drucker, Nora Hamzawi André Masson, commissaire-priseur dans la célèbre maison de ventes Scottie’s, reçoit un jour un courrier selon lequel une toile d’Egon Schiele aurait été découverte à Mulhouse chez un jeune ouvrier. Très sceptique, il se rend sur place et doit se rendre à l’évidence : le tableau est authentique, un chef-d’œuvre disparu depuis 1939, spolié par les nazis. André voit dans cet événement le sommet de sa carrière, mais c’est aussi le début d’un combat qui pourrait la mettre en péril. Heureusement, il...



全文, 線上閱讀 : 週三 2024-10-30 張少貞 圖:電影劇照:在以色列尋求庇護的難民 以色列、猶太,令你想起什麼?我心中即時出現「沉重」兩字。沉重,是以色列的立國史;沉重,是猶太人經歷過的苦難。認識人曾去以色列公幹,縱然事前已遞交詳細資料及證明文件,入境前後受到的嚴格檢查仍令人吃驚,聽到時只覺得這國家時刻警惕,從不鬆懈;以色列有初創國家(Start-up Nation)美譽,追源溯始,離不開該國的危機意識,一切以國家安全為上。曾自問如在這國生活,會否神經亏亏? 恕我孤陋寡聞,「喜劇」在我心中是距離「以色列」最遙遠的劇種。 所以,得悉以色列有喜劇電影《Running on Sand》,確是意外之喜。看了,難相信是Adar Shafran首部執導的電影。 東非國家厄利垂亞(Eritrea)難民在以色列遭遞解出境,逃走途中被誤當為獲本地球會聘請的外國球員,因為跑得快,助球隊入球,立下大功,當他開始沉醉球隊生活及和班主女兒產生朦朧情意時,他的難民身份被識破,受警方追捕——劇透到此為止。  全文, 線上閱讀 : ...


Yahoo HK: 第25屆香港猶太電影節:探索多元猶太文化的視覺盛宴

 全文, 線上閱讀 :探索多元猶太文化的視覺盛宴-091157940.html?guccounter=1 隨著文化交流的日益加深,香港迎來了第25屆猶太電影節,這是一個讓觀眾深入了解猶太文化的絕佳機會。此次電影節將於2024年11月9日至20日舉行,為影迷們呈現25部來自世界各地,包括上映來自法國、美 國、德國、以色列等不同國家的精選猶太主題電影,涵蓋喜劇、劇情片、紀錄片等多種類型,各位影迷千萬不要錯過!  全文, 線上閱讀 :探索多元猶太文化的視覺盛宴-091157940.html?guccounter=1 ...


men’sreads: 現實版Spy Family!11月香港猶太電影節 用25齣電影讀懂猶太文化

 全文, 線上閱讀 : 每逢年尾影迷都超忙碌,不同國家和地區的電影節紛紛出爐,今次介紹的「香港猶太電影節」也在11月登場,這個較少主流媒體關注的電影節已來到第25屆,帶來25齣來自不同國家的猶太文化電影,透過喜劇、劇情片、紀錄片、短片和動畫帶你看一遍猶太人文風景。 難民奇遇記 2024巴黎以色列電影節最佳影片 香港猶太電影節自1999年開辦,由one man band猶太社區中心放映開始,再走進公眾院線,雖然規模不及大型電影節,卻每年都堅持引進精挑細選的得獎電影。 今年也不例外,活動選片橫跨法國、美國、德國及以色列等不同地區,首映禮《Running on Sand》已先後在巴黎以色列電影節等多個電影節上獲獎。主角是來自有「非洲北韓」之稱的厄利垂亞的難民,遭以色列遞解出境時順利逃脫,意外被當地職業足球隊誤認為新聘的尼日利亞明星前鋒(對,不止有香港人不懂得分辨非洲面孔),在文化、語言、宗教的衝突中撞出各種笑料。電影節又特別邀請了導演Adar Shafran在首映禮上分享創作過程。 放映日期:11月9日19:30 現實版《SPY×FAMILY》一家五口特工生活 人氣日本動漫作品《SPY×FAMILY》,爆笑演繹特工家族情報戰,連年幼女兒也捲入其中,劇情看似超現實,但現實中真的有這樣的家庭組合。一名巴勒斯坦父親和他的埃及妻子受僱於以色列情報部門,自1967年的六日戰爭後在埃及擔任特工,摩斯密碼、隱形墨水、間碟相機當然少不了,兩夫妻甚至讓當時只有十多歲的三名兒子一起受訓,派他們拍攝各種軍事基地和設施,絕對是名符其實的特工家族。不過紀錄片《The Spy Family》沒有動漫的喜劇情節,而是走錯一步會隨時送命的殘酷現實。 放映 日期:11月10日18:10 歷史能不能商品化? 政治正確的世代,一個印上Anne Frank的tote bag就足夠引發用種族屠殺造人血饅頭的爭論。Anne Frank的故事代表了戰爭的殘酷,一間設計公司為了吸引Z世代認識這段二戰歷史,為博物館「安妮之家」的紀念品店重新設計一系列商品,本意善良,但一聽就知陷阱處處。這套美國電影以黑色幽默帶出當代人如何消化集體創傷和歷史商業化的討論。 放映日期:11月17日14:45 奧斯卡最佳導演首部動畫 一個名猶太女嬰從開往奧斯威辛集中營的火車上拋出來,被森林裡的反猶樵夫家庭救起,從此和家人走向不同的命運。憑《星光夢裡人》贏得奧斯卡最佳影片及最佳導演的Michel Hazanavicius轉戰動畫領域,嘗試將動畫和日本版畫藝術元素結合,重現1930年代的繪本風格,動畫獲提名2024年康城影展棕櫚獎。 第25屆香港猶太電影節 首映禮《Running on Sand》 時間:11月9日19:00 地點:影藝戲院JP(銅鑼灣百德新街22-36號翡翠明珠廣場) 票價:成人$380、學生$280 其他電影 日期:11月9日至20日 地點:高先電影院(堅尼地城吉席街二號) 票價:成人$110、學生及長者$80 通行證:$1,800(可觀賞所有電影) 電影節官網 * 所有電影均提供英文字幕 ...