Our Team

The management of the Festival is led by our board of directors, composed entirely of highly committed volunteers who actively participate in key operating functions, including treasury, marketing, and fundraising.

Films are selected by a viewing committee, composed of both current and former directors, all of whom love film and are dedicated to the success of the Festival. The day-to-day operation of the Festival is conducted by our Festival Producer.


Board of Directors

Eli Bitan – Chairperson
Natalia Bochorishvili
Nate Chan
Katty Demeuleneere
Jean Philippe Gry
Alan Landau – Treasurer
Benny Lau
Matthew Murzin
Adam Singer
Michael Valihora
Dina Wosner


Viewing Committee

Debby Amias
Eli Bitan
Shani Brownstein
Nicole Izsak
Debbie Kalmanowitz
Julie Kohn
Matthew Murzin
Sandy Murzin

Festival Producer

Shani Brownstein