Paris Boutique

Paris Boutique ac Saturday, 18 November, 9:45pm

Director: Marco Carmel| Israel / France | 2022 | Comedy | Hebrew / English / French / Spanish / Arabic / English Subtitles | 81 min [su_spacer size="10"] [su_button url="" target="blank" background="#ff9011" size="4" desc="" title="Ticketing"]Tickets[/su_button] [su_spacer size="10"] VENUE: Golden Scene Cinema Screening: Saturday, 18 November, 9:45pm Tickets: HKD 110 | Students/Seniors HKD 80 [su_spacer size="10"] SYNOPSIS: Set in the heart of magical Jerusalem, this comedy of mistakes is the story of a friendship between two women at a critical point in their lives. Louise, a French Jewish lawyer, arrives in Israel to finalize an important deal. Her driver, Neta sees an opportunity to profit off of Louise, and decides to stick with her at any cost. Together, as they wander the narrow alleyways of the Old City of Jerusalem, they discover a secret connection between an ultra-Orthodox woman and a Christian man who communicate through notes hidden between the stones of the Wailing Wall. [su_spacer size="10"] [sg_popup id=12330 event="click"]CLICK HERE FOR TRAILER[/sg_popup] [su_spacer size="10"] [sg_popup id=13401 event="click"]MESSAGE TO HK FROM STAR JosA(C)phine DraA[/sg_popup] [su_spacer size="20"] SPONSORED by The Zion Family...