Women of Valor

Director: Anna Somershaf | Israel | 2021 | Documentary | Hebrew / English Subtitles | 75 min

Venue: Golden Scene Cinema
Screening: Sunday, 13 November, 6:25pm


Ultra-Orthodox women are forbidden to run for Israeli parliament in the ultra-religious political parties, but one woman is determined to change that. Esty Shushan and her friends won’t stop until they achieve equal rights for 600,000 Haredi women. Fighting against threats from their community, and the real risk that their children could be kicked out of schools, these women are prepared to make, having raised and supported large families, the change they want from within the religious world.


SPONSORED by Sharon Ser
SUPPORTED by Consulate of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau


1 nomination

  • 2022 Awards of the Israeli Film Academy
    • Nominee Best Documentary Feature: Anna Somershaf