Press & Media – 2023



June Zero a film by Jake Paltrow
The Hong Kong Holocaust & Tolerance Centre is pleased to supportA a number of Holocaust-themed films as part of theA 24thA Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival taking place 11-19A November 2023. This eveningA (15A November) at 9:00pm, the public screening ofA JUNE ZEROA will take place at theA Golden Scene Cinema at 2 Catchick St, Kennedy Town. Please see below for film description and official trailer. We hope you will be able to join us.A Please visit the film festival websiteA hereA and get your tickets through thisA link!   Video link   JUNE ZERO The 1961 trial of Adolf
Facebook Post Consulate General Poland
The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in HK would like to cordially invite you to the screenings of two Polish films during the 24th Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival Marcha68 directed by Krzysztof Lang and aFilipa directed by Michal Kwiecinski More details:   Facebook link Click here  
Shadow of the day
The Hong Kong Holocaust & Tolerance Centre is pleased to supportA a number of Holocaust-themed films as part of theA 24thA Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival taking place 11-19A November 2023. This eveningA (14A November) at 8:50pm, the public screening ofA THE SHADOW OF THE DAYA will take place at theA Golden Scene Cinema at 2 Catchick St, Kennedy Town. Please see below for film description and official trailer. We hope you will be able to join us.A Please visit the film festival websiteA hereA and get your tickets through thisA link!   Video link The Shadow of the Day
See you later today in the screenings of HKHTC-supported films at HKJFF The Hong Kong Holocaust & Tolerance Centre is pleased to supportA a number of Holocaust-themed films as part of theA 24thA Hong Kong Jewish Film FestivalA taking placeA 11-19A November 2023. These public screenings will take placeA in personA at theA Golden Scene CinemaA at 2 Catchick St, Kennedy Town. Please see the list below for film descriptions. We hope you will be able to join us this year.A Please visit the film festival websiteA hereA and get your tickets through thisA link!   The Return of the
4 French Films at the 24th Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival
4 French Films at the 24th Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival The Hong Kong Jewish Film festival, Asiaas first festival showcasing the best Jewish-themed films from around the world, celebrates its 24th edition in 2023. Four French productions and coproductions supported by the Consulate General of France are part of the lineup. As for every of its editions, the Consulate general of France is happy to support theA Hong Kong Jewish Film FestivalA in its endeavor to promote the talent of Jewish filmmakers and shade light on stories involving the community around the world. For this 24th edition, the festival
Gafencu - Jewish Film Festival
BYA NEIL DOLBY Nov 02, 2023 Jewish Film Festival Asiaas flagship Jewish festival has gone from strength to strength and now offers a magnificently diverse range of films showcasing Jewish life. The number of filmmakers keen for their work celebrating the Jewish tradition to be showcased in Hong Kong has grown, with 21 features, documentaries and short films able to be enjoyed. When:A 11-19 November Where:A Golden Scene Cinema, Kennedy Town How much:A From $110 per film; all access pass HK$1,800 For more information:A Full article in English: Click here  
Founded in 2000, the festival runs from Saturday November 11 to Sunday November 19, 2023 – Most screenings will take place at Golden Scene Cinema in Kennedy Town.A Eli Bitan, president of the festival, and Jean-Philippe Gry, member of the organizing committee, answer our questions in this special year for the festival.A We listen. More than 20 feature films, comedies, documentaries and short films from different countries, including Israel, France, USA, Ukraine and Italy The themes range from friendship to politics and offer insight into worlds and people not usually accessible to viewers. The film festival offers an exciting opportunity
Radio 4- Morning Call - Stacey Rodda
Click here to listen to the full interview – select segment 3 interview starts at 11:17 minutes  
Opening Night etc TheBeat
Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival Get ready for the cinematic celebration of Jewish culture at theA Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival (HKJFF). Founded in 2000, the HKJFF is Asia’s premier showcase of Jewish-themed films, bringing together filmmakers, producers, critics, and cinema enthusiasts from across the globe. This year’s festival, running fromA November 11 to 19, promises a captivating two-week journey through the rich and diverse world of Jewish and Israeli cinema. The festival opens atA MCL Cinema CyberportA with a remarkable cinematic achievement, “SHTTL,” directed by Ady Walter, offering a love story and ode to small-town life set in a
A 24th Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival TheA Hong Kong Jewish Film FestivalA returns for its 24th edition with a diverse lineup of films from 11-19 November 2023. The Festival offers a culturally relevant program of over 20 feature films, comedies, documentaries and shorts from different countries, including Israel, France, the United States, Ukraine, and Italy. Themes range from friendship to politics and offer insights into worlds and people not typically accessible to viewers. The Film Festival offers an exciting opportunity to immerse oneself in the many facets of Jewish culture and discover connection through similarities. The 24th edition of
  ac24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ca 3ae a1i1/4a c24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-caae1/42023a111ae11aeYe319aeYi1/4 ae1/4aaea eae2ece e! i1/4 aa3/4e! aea>>Lae3ca1/2+-c eLa(R)1i1/4 a ae a3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a aca e-a aea$a(C)c- a a a a(R)i1/4 a+-ao a a$ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-i1/4 a>>e! aee a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 a1/4e ec3/4e2aYa13aeYc!ae3aeYecac a aooc (C)e| eLi1/4 e ae-$aoeLc a$aaea a e>>a1/2+-ca>>Ya+-cc 2ae(R) ae|(R)ce>>a1/2+-a #SHTTLa ae e aoa1i1/4 aae1/4Ady Walterao|aeaa eec3/4e2e! eea1/2+-aeaaoe1/4e a$ae-a>>oca aea-i1/4 a>>Ya(R)e!e -e eL1/2i1/4 a(R) c3/4aae ae aoc c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 c1/4caaecceaaee ccae>>a aeaei1/4 ecYc3/4ae-Laae1/4e>>a1/2+-cc2c
English below the Chinese ac24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ca 3ae a1i1/4a c24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-caae1/42023a111ae11aeYe319aeYi1/4 ae1/4aaea eae2ece e! i1/4 aa3/4e! aea>>Lae3ca1/2+-c eLa(R)1i1/4 a ae a3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a aca e-a aea$a(C)c- a a a a(R)i1/4 a+-ao a a$ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-i1/4 a>>e! aee a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 a1/4e ec3/4e2aYa13aeYc!ae3aeYecac a aooc (C)e| eLi1/4 e ae-$aoeLc a$aaea a e>>a1/2+-ca>>Ya+-cc 2ae(R) ae|(R)ce>>a1/2+-a #SHTTLa ae e aoa1i1/4 aae1/4Ady Walterao|aeaa eec3/4e2e! eea1/2+-aeaaoe1/4e a$ae-a>>oca aea-i1/4 a>>Ya(R)e!e -e eL1/2i1/4 a(R) c3/4aae ae aoc c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 c1/4caaecceaaee ccae>>a aeaei1/4 ecYc3/4ae-Laae1/4e>>a1/2+-cc2c
Johnny Man Mad Movie Syndrome
English below the Chinese Johnny Man am730 11-10-2023 c24a+-a c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca eae1/4a>>Ye 2aec a$aaea cae3/4ae ae>>a  a2cae|aee e3/4|aoa$a+-ca c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca i1/4 ea2000a1aec>Ya3/4i1/4 ae-aoec!aeaY1/2c aa>> a1a>>ac24a+-ce>>a1/2+-ci1/4 ae1/411ae11e319aeYi1/4 ae|ae3eae2ece e! i1/4 coae9a$(C)cae>>a i1/4 aaae3/4ae a3/4ea30a$a a a(R)aec3/4ea aec ace c a a3/4(R)e>>a1/2+-aae>>a aeee>e|cao a a c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca ce e! c(R)i1/4 a aeeee>>a1/2+-ac1/4a aaeec3/4i1/4 ae|aea>> c1c a$aaea a a3c+-i1/4 ae-ae3/4a1/2+-c a$eae1/4c a$aaea i1/4 a a>>Ye 2acae>>ca$aeLaei1/4 e ae>>a1/2+-e! aeae eLa c c 1i1/4 ec3/4aa>>Yeeeaoa1/2+-c i1/4 aoeLc a$aaea a c c(R)a aa1/2+-caac >>a3/4eaa a a a(R)e3/420ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-aeaoa1/2+-c a>>e! aee a ea1/4aae?ae2>>c- aa e ai1/4 ae ec3/4e2aYa13aeYeLa>>YaeYecac a aooc (C)ee>>ae a1a1/2+-c a SHTTLa i1/4 c+-ae3a aae1/4Ady Walteraai1/4 a>>Yaoe1/4e a$ca aecoe aei1/4 eea(R)e!e -cae aeae1a1/4i1/4 a(R) c3/4ac3/4ao ae!ac a$aei1/4 c c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 a>>Ya aecceaaee a-c1/4cccae>>a aeaeaeao a ae-$a$i1/4 eae aa>>a1/2+-c a|a>>Ye 2aaae1/4Noam Kaplanca The Futurea i1/4 aea$a(C)aae1/4Giuseppe Piccionica The Shadow of the Daya i1/4 a>>Ya ce c a Without Precedenta c- i1/4 aeaea1/2ae1/2aae c c 1aeao a a>>e! i1/4 e(R)ec3/4aoeLc a$aaea ae>>a1/2+-cae ae ee +-eae>>a1/2+-aaea3/4e +-aea-a1i1/4 e|ae e>>a1/2+-a SHTTLa a e ae e +-aea c1ea1/2+-ca(R) aecc(R)e!i1/4 aae+-i1/4 a   _________________________________A A __________________________________________ Mad Movie Syndrome am730 11-10-2023 24th Jewish Film Festival screening event
Esquire---24a+-e|aeca$ae>>a1/2+-ce1/4	e-1/2ae-a3/4-1
English below the Chinese c24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ce1/4 e-1/2ae-a3/4 e a1/2+-e|a1/2aae+-aYaoeLc a$aaea  A c24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ci1/4 aae1/42023a111ae11aeYe319aeYi1/4 ae1/4aaea eae2ece e! i1/4 a+-aeaaa3/4e! aea>>Lae3ca1/2+-c eLa(R)1ae>>a1/2+-caa3/4eaea ceca1/2+-e|a1/2ai1/4 a ae a3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a aca e-a aea$a(C)c- a a a a(R)i1/4 a+-ao a a$ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-aa>>e! aee a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 a1/4e ec3/4e2aYa13aeYc!ae3aeYecac a aooc (C)e| eLae>>a1/2+-ccoec3/4aea3/4ae+-aYaoeLc a$aaea cae(C)aea c24a+-e>>a1/2+-ca>>Ya+-cc 2ae(R) ae|(R)ce>>a1/2+-a SHTTLa ae e aoa1i1/4 a|ea3/4e>>a1/2+-aae1/4Ady Walteraa eec3/4e2e! eea1/2+-aeaaoe1/4e a$ae-a>>oca aea-i1/4 a>>Ya(R)e!e -e eL1/2i1/4 a(R) c3/4aae ae aoc c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 c1/4caaecceaaee ccae>>a aeaei1/4 e c3/4aoea acaeaocaa+-a a>>Ye 2aaae1/4Noam Kaplanca The Futurea i1/4 ae!aoe>>a1/2+-cca>>Lae3aeaeaeaeaecc a1/4cae2a i1/4 aeceaeaea>>c3/4(C)aa(R) aa aooaei1/4 a aeaaoaoaooe!aea|cca(R)c3/4(C)aoae1/4c(R)ae3a c a1/4ccai1/4 aaeeec3/4a|ca aeceee>>a1/2+-ca aei1/4 a1/41/4a1aec3/4aaYaoca1>>e ai1/4 a1/2aooaea a2a-a e(C)+-i1/4 a >>a ae+-a ae2a a aeaaaec ae|(R)c 2a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-a-eca$a c e a aea$a(C)aae1/4Giuseppe Piccionica The Shadow of the Daya i1/4 aeaeaae>>?aecae2ae caeaae1/4c3/4(C)ce$a>>3eeLucianoca?!i1/4 a>>a>> caa>>Yaeaa+-ccccaea-i1/4 ae ceaa+-ce|a cae>>aca>>a+-caea +-eacacaY3a-(C)Annaaei1/4 aae1/2ae1e(R) aoaaeea>>$aooee?caea>>Le(C)aec a-i1/4 aea a aee1/2aa>>Yaeaaae-ae2ec3/4a>>Lae3eY?aea>>c3/4(C)cca1/41/4a1 ea a2c!a a3/4 cce c a Without Precedenta i1/4 ee?aoa ae ?a$aeeeca1/2+-i1/4 ee?aoaY1a!aa a(R)1aa$aa a aa13ca ae ?a$ce1/4c eaeY-caei1/4 e3a>> a>> ca1/4ee?e?a   _________________________________A A __________________________________________ The 24th Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival returns with great success
English below the Chinese c24a+-a c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca eae1/4a>>Ye 2aec a$aaea cae3/4ae ae>>a  a2cae|aee e3/4|aoa$a+-ca c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca i1/4 ea2000a1aec>Ya3/4i1/4 ae-aoec!aeaY1/2c aa>> a1a>>ac24a+-ce>>a1/2+-ci1/4 ae1/411ae11e319aeYi1/4 ae|ae3eae2ece e! i1/4 coae9a$(C)cae>>a i1/4 aaae3/4ae a3/4ea30a$a a a(R)aec3/4ea aec ace c a a3/4(R)e>>a1/2+-aae>>a aeee>e|cao a a c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca ce e! c(R)i1/4 a aeeee>>a1/2+-ac1/4a aaeec3/4i1/4 ae|aea>> c1c a$aaea a a3c+-i1/4 ae-ae3/4a1/2+-c a$eae1/4c a$aaea i1/4 a a>>Ye 2acae>>ca$aeLaei1/4 e ae>>a1/2+-e! aeae eLa c c 1i1/4 ec3/4aa>>Yeeeaoa1/2+-c i1/4 aoeLc a$aaea a c c(R)a aa1/2+-caac >>a3/4eaa a a a(R)e3/420ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-aeaoa1/2+-c a>>e! aee a ea1/4aae?ae2>>c- aa e ai1/4 ae ec3/4e2aYa13aeYeLa>>YaeYecac a aooc (C)ee>>ae a1a1/2+-c a SHTTLa i1/4 c+-ae3a aae1/4Ady Walteraai1/4 a>>Yaoe1/4e a$ca aecoe aei1/4 eea(R)e!e -cae aeae1a1/4i1/4 a(R) c3/4ac3/4ao ae!ac a$aei1/4 c c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 a>>Ya aecceaaee a-c1/4cccae>>a aeaeaeao a ae-$a$i1/4 eae aa>>a1/2+-c a|a>>Ye 2aaae1/4Noam Kaplanca The Futurea i1/4 aea$a(C)aae1/4Giuseppe Piccionica The Shadow of the Daya i1/4 a>>Ya ce c a Without Precedenta c- i1/4 aeaea1/2ae1/2aae c c 1aeao a a>>e! i1/4 e(R)ec3/4aoeLc a$aaea ae>>a1/2+-cae ae ee +-eae>>a1/2+-aaea3/4e +-aea-a1i1/4 e|ae e>>a1/2+-a SHTTLa a e ae e +-aea c1ea1/2+-ca(R) aecc(R)e!i1/4 aae+-i1/4 a   _________________________________A A __________________________________________ The 24th “Jewish Film Festival” screening activities about Israel and Jewish culture The “Jewish Film
English below the Chinese c a$ae>>a1/2+-c11aee e3/4|aa$a a1/2+-c aee a ea1/4eae?ae2>> ae>>aeea +-eac24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-caae1/42023a111ae11aeYe319aeYi1/4 ae1/4aaea eae2ece e! a e>>a1/2+-caa3/4eaea ceca1/2+-e|a1/2ai1/4 a ae a3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a aca e-a aea$a(C)c- a a a a(R)i1/4 a+-ao a a$ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-aa>>e! aee a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 a1/4e ec3/4e2aYa13aeYc!ae3aeYecac a aooc (C)e| eLae>>a1/2+-ccoec3/4aea3/4ae+-aYaoeLc a$aaea cae(C)aei1/4 ecYaae1/42023a110ae13aeYei1/4 ae1/4e>>a1/2+-cc2ca1/2+-ca>>Ya+-cc 2ae(R) ae|(R)ce>>a1/2+-a SHTTLa ae e aoa1i1/4 a|ea3/4e>>a1/2+-aae1/4Ady Walteraa eec3/4e2e! eea1/2+-aeaaoe1/4e a$ae-a>>oca aea-i1/4 a>>Ya(R)e!e -e eL1/2i1/4 ae ae aoc c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 c1/4caaecceaaee ccae>>a aeaei1/4 e c3/4aoea acaeaocaa+-a a>>Ye 2aaae1/4Noam Kaplanca The Futurea i1/4 aeaeaecc a1/4cae2a i1/4 aeceaeaea>>c3/4(C)aa(R) aa aooaei1/4 e(C)2c ae|(R)c 2a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-a-eca$a c e aaea$a(C)aae1/4Giuseppe Piccionica The Shadow of the Daya i1/4 aeaeaae>>?aecae2ae caeaae1/4Yaeaaae-ae2ec3/4a>>Lae3eY?aea>>c3/4(C)cca1/41/4a1 ea a2c!a a3/4 cce c a Without Precedenta i1/4 ee?aoa ae ?a$aeea1/2+-i1/4 ee?aoaY1a!aa a(R)1aa$aa a aa13ca ae ?a$ce1/4c eaeY-caei1/4 e3a>> a>> ca1/4ee?e?a i1/4e>>aeec 1ceee3ae e 3a +-ei1/4 aeeeaeYi1/4 a c a$ae>>a1/2+-c11aee e3/4|aa$a a1/2+-c aee a ea1/4eae?ae2>>a aeeaeYaeoi1/4 e>>aee aeaeea1/2ae ae-e>>aeea13aae ae i1/4 eaaeY-e1/2 e1/4 e>aeaoea3/4aeoe>>aeei1/4 aaeY-e1/2 e1/4 e
English below the Chinese e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-c11aee e! ae+-aYaoeLa$ac a$aaea  aae(C)e ac24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-caae1/42023a111ae11aeYe319aeYi1/4 ae1/4aae3eae2ece e! aaeae!e>>a1/2+-caaa3/4eaea ceae! aea>>Lae3ca1/2+-e|a1/2ai1/4 a ae a3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a aca e-a aea$a(C)c- a a a a(R)i1/4 a+-20a$ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-aa>>e! aee a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 a1/4e ec3/4e2aYa13aeYc!ae3aeYecac a aooc (C)e| eLa e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-cea2000a1aec>Ya3/4i1/4 ae3/4ae eaec3/4ea3/4ea30a$a a a(R)ca aec ace c a a3/4(R)e>>a1/2+-i1/4 a|ee>a1/2+-ccae>>a ae>>a1/2+-caaeL9aeYi1/4 ae3/4ae a$ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-i1/4 ae c a$a ae ec a$aa a>>Ye 2acae>>a aea a$aeLaecae eLe c c 1ca>>e! aaeaeeee>>a1/2+-a3/4aecYaaee2aac1/4a aaea$c3/4i1/4 a|ac a$aaea aae|aea ae-$ae!e>>a1/2+-ca>>Ya+-cc 2ae(R) ae|(R)ce>>a1/2+-a SHTTLa ae e aoa1i1/4 a|ea3/4e>>a1/2+-aae1/4Ady Walteraa eec3/4e2e! eea1/2+-aeaaoe1/4e a$ae-a>>oca aea-i1/4 a>>Ya(R)e!e -e eL1/2i1/4 a(R) c3/4aae ae aoc c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 c1/4caaecceaaee ccae>>a aeaei1/4 e c3/4aoea acaeaocaa+-a a>>Ye 2aaae1/4Noam Kaplanca The Futurea i1/4 ae!aoe>>a1/2+-cca>>Lae3aeaeaeaeaecc a1/4cae2a i1/4 aeceaeaea>>c3/4(C)aa(R) aa aooaei1/4 a aeaaoaoaooe!aea|cca(R)c3/4(C)aoae1/4c(R)ae3a c a1/4ccai1/4 aaeeec3/4a|ca aeceee>>a1/2+-ca aei1/4 a1/41/4a1aec3/4aaYaoca1>>e ai1/4 a1/2aooaea a2a-a e(C)+-i1/4 a >>a ae+-a ae2a a aeaaaec ae|(R)c 2a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-a-eca$a c e a aea$a(C)aae1/4Giuseppe Piccionica The Shadow of the Daya i1/4 aeaeaae>>?aecae2ae caeaae1/4c3/4(C)ce$a>>3eeLucianoca?!i1/4 a>>a>> caa>>Yaeaa+-ccccaea-i1/4 ae ceaa+-ce|a cae>>aca>>a+-caea +-eacacaY3a-(C)Annaaei1/4 aae1/2ae1e(R) aoaaeea>>$aooee?caea>>Le(C)aec a-i1/4 aea a aee1/2aa>>Yaeaaae-ae2ec3/4a>>Lae3eY?aea>>c3/4(C)cca1/41/4a1 ea a2c!a a3/4 cce c a Without Precedenta i1/4 ee?aoa ae ?a$aeeeca1/2+-i1/4 ee?aoaY1a!aa a(R)1aa$aa a aa13ca ae ?a$ce1/4c eaeY-caei1/4 e3a>> a>> ca1/4ee?e?a ae-$ae!e>>a1/2+-ccoec3/4aea3/4ae+-aYaoeLc a$aaea cae(C)aei1/4 aea$c23/4a1/2(C)c a(R)aaea ae1ca
HKFilm Blog - speak, shovel, piece
English below the Chinese ca>>?aa+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ca aee e! BYA RYAN ON 12/10/2023 IN eea1/2+-a+- eaYa a a1i1/4 a$a a a e|ae!ea>>e! ce>>a1/2+-ceco e e! i1/4 ca-a1a ae aocao a aa+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ci1/4 aae1/4a aaea aaeYe3a a1aeYae1/4a a(R)ae2ece e! a aeae!e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ci1/4 aaeeaa3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a ca e-eaea$a(C)c- a a aa a+-ao a a$ee>>a1/2+-i1/4 ca-a>>YAdy Walteraaca Shttla a1/2coe a1e>>a1/2+-i1/4 aae1/4ao|ac eaeeec3/4a e>>a1/2+-e2e! ee
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English below the Chinese c24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-c11aee e1/4i1/4a?c4aYaea>> e>>a1/2+- a1/2coe>>a1/2+-c1/4ca i1/4 ca?!a$a(R)e1/2a aee ec 24 a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-cai1/4a>> a1aae1/4 2023 a1 11 ae 11 aeYe3 19 aeYi1/4 ae1/4aae3eae2ece e! ae>>a1/2+-caa3/4eaea ceca1/2+-e|a1/2ai1/4 a ae a3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a aca e-a aea$a(C)c- a a a a(R)i1/4 a+-20a$ea aeec aaa a ce c a c-ce>>a1/2+-aa>>e! aee a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 ea$a(R)e2aYa13aeYc!ae3aeYecac a aooc (C)e| eLa a SHTTLa c 24 a+-e>>a1/2+-ca>>Ya+-cc 2ae(R) ae|(R)ce>>a1/2+-a SHTTLa ae e aoa1i1/4 a|ea3/4e>>a1/2+-aae1/4 Ady Walter aa eec3/4e2e! eea1/2+-aeaaoe1/4e a$ae-a>>oca aea-i1/4 a>>Ya(R)e!e -e eL1/2i1/4 a(R) c3/4aae ae aoc c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 c1/4caaecceaaee ccae>>a aeaei1/4 e c3/4aoea acaeaocaa+-a a The Futurea ae|(R)c 2a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-a-eca$a c e i1/4 a>>Ye 2aaae1/4 Noam Kaplan ca The Futurea i1/4 aeaeaecc a1/4cae2a i1/4 aeceaeaea>>c3/4(C)aa(R) aa aooaei1/4 a aeaaoaoaooe!aea|cca(R)c3/4(C)aoae1/4c(R)ae3a c a1/4ccai1/4 aaeeec3/4a|ca aeceee>>a1/2+-ca aei1/4 a1/41/4a1aec3/4aaYaoca1>>e ai1/4 a1/2aooaea a2a-a e(C)+-i1/4 a >>a ae+-a ae2a a aeaa a The Shadow of the Daya aae>>?aecae2ae caeaae1/4c3/4(C)ce$a>>3ee Luciano ca?!i1/4 a>>a>> caa>>Yaeaa+-ccccaea-i1/4 ae ceaa+-ce|a cae>>aca>>a+-caea +-eacacaY3a-(C) Anna aei1/4 aae1/2ae1e(R) aoaaeea>>$aooee?caea>>Le(C)aec a-i1/4 aea a aee1/2aa>>Yaeaaae-ae2ec3/4a>>Lae3eY?aea>>c3/4(C)cca1/41/4a1 ea   a Without
English below the Chinese aea1/2+-a+-aa+-eL1/2c aoo e-ea1/2ae a3/4 a$+-e1$ a|a$i1/4 coae9aeYce|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ca>> aeYe a1a a$i1/4 aeae1ae a a>>Ye 2aeL1/2c aooaeoe|a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-c1/4e! aGo2filmsc1/4e! a aeaea +-ee>>a1/2+-aeecScreen Dailyaaa +-ei1/4 aeoa-aa aa aea$aY3aa3/4a>>YeeaGo2Filmse!c$oi1/4 ae-Leca+-aaaa1/2c!a a aooa ___________________________________________________________________________ Producer participating in Hong Kong Film Festival disappeared after his home was broken into In addition, on the eve of the opening of the 9-day Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival today, the conference pointed out that Israeli producer Yahav Winner disappeared after his residence in Kfar Aza was broken into by armed men. expressed shock.A Winner’s film is distributed by Go2films, the Jewish Film Festival’s main Israeli film distributor. Screen Daily, which specializes in covering movie news, reported on
English below the Chinese A c24a+-e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ci1/4 aae1/42023a111ae11aeYe319aeYi1/4 ae1/4aaea eae2ece e! i1/4 a+-aeaaa3/4e! aea>>Lae3ca1/2+-c eLa(R)1ae>>a1/2+-caa3/4eaea ceca1/2+-e|a1/2ai1/4 a ae a3/4eaa>>Ye 2aaae3a ac3/4a aca e-a aea$a(C)c- a a a a(R)i1/4 a+-ao a a$ea aeec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-aa>>e! aee a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 a1/4e ec3/4e2aYa13aeYc!ae3aeYecac a aooc (C)e| eLae>>a1/2+-ccoec3/4aea3/4ae+-aYaoeLc a$aaea cae(C)aei1/4 ecYaae1/42023a110ae13aeYei1/4 ae1/4e>>a1/2+-cc2ca1/2+-ca>>Ya+-cc 2ae(R) ae|(R)ce>>a1/2+-a SHTTLa ae e aoa1i1/4 a|ea3/4e>>a1/2+-aae1/4Ady Walteraa eec3/4e2e! eea1/2+-aeaaoe1/4e a$ae-a>>oca aea-i1/4 a>>Ya(R)e!e -e eL1/2i1/4 a(R) c3/4aae ae aoc c21aYa3/4eeca e-a a$i1/4 c1/4caaecceaaee ccae>>a aeaei1/4 e c3/4aoea acaeaocaa+-a a>>Ye 2aaae1/4Noam Kaplanca The Futurea i1/4 ae!aoe>>a1/2+-cca>>Lae3aeaeaeaeaecc a1/4cae2a i1/4 aeceaeaea>>c3/4(C)aa(R) aa aooaei1/4 a aeaaoaoaooe!aea|cca(R)c3/4(C)aoae1/4c(R)ae3a c a1/4ccai1/4 aaeeec3/4a|ca aeceee>>a1/2+-ca aei1/4 a1/41/4a1aec3/4aaYaoca1>>e ai1/4 a1/2aooaea a2a-a e(C)+-i1/4 a >>a ae+-a ae2a a aeaaaec ae|(R)c 2a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-a-eca$a c e a ___________________________________________________________________________ The 24th HongA Kong Jewish Film Festival will be heldA inA threeA theaters fromA NovemberA 11A toA 19 ,A 2023A , and will bring a lineup of films withA a wide range of themes.A The festival brings culturally relevant film and television works,
The 24th Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival will be held in Hong Kong from November 11 to 19, 2023, and will bring a lineup of films with a wide range of themes. The film festival brings culturally relevant film and television works, including more than 20 feature films, comedies, documentaries and short films from different countries such as Isael, France. the United States, Ukraine and Italy. Themes range from friendship to politics, taking viewers into worlds and insights they normal wouldn’t have access to. Thw festival provides audiences with the oportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of Jewish culture. Full
TheA Hong Kong Jewish Film FestivalA returns for its 24th edition with a diverse lineup of films from 11-19 November 2023 at Kennedy Townas arty Golden Scene Cinema. The Festival offers a culturally relevant program of over 20 feature films, comedies, documentaries and shorts from different countries, including Israel, France, the United States, Ukraine, and Italy. Themes range from friendship to politics and offer insights into worlds and people not typically accessible to viewers. The Film Festival offers an exciting opportunity to immerse oneself in the many facets of Jewish culture and discover connection through similarities. Tickets are available from
The Beat - Oct 4
RUBIN VEREBES – OCTOBER 03, 2023 – The List – What’s On: Prepare for a cinematic celebration like no other, as the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival (HKJFF) returns to the silver screen. Running fromA Nov. 11-19, the festival promises a two-week odyssey through the rich and multifaceted realm of Jewish and Israeli cinema. Established in 2000, this festival is Asia’s premier platform for Jewish-themed films, uniting filmmakers, producers, critics, and cinema enthusiasts from around the globe. The festival’s grand opening takes place at MCL Cinema Cyberport, featuring a remarkable cinematic masterpiece, “SHTTL,” directed by Ady Walter. This film, shot
English below the Chinese Time Out eaa aa1aao|e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-c2023aae-i1/4 aa3/4ac3>>ac a$aa>>e! a1/2+-e|a1/2ai1/411ae11aeYe319aeYaeei1/4 e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ca MCL aecc1/4aeae2ecaK11 Art House a ea1/2+-a1/2ai1/4 a1/2aaoeaae3a ac3/4a a aea$a(C)c- eY?ae1a a(R)i1/4 a1a a1aeca>>Ye 2aa ca e-c- a a(R)i1/4 a-e2aoecae 1/4aci1/4 c3/4e +-e1/2 ae3/4c20a$eec aaa ace c a c-ce>>a1/2+-a e|aec a$ae>>a1/2+-ca(R)Laa>>Ye 2aeL1/2c aoo Yahav Winner aae|aeeY2ae a>>Ye 2aa eca(R)e a !ae3e?ae i1/4Kfar Azai1/4 a3/4 a$+-e1$i1/4 Yahav Winner ce>>a1/2+-aec+-c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca>>e|a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-c1/4e! a Go2films c1/4e! aa>>Yae!cae?aeYa+-a ca aeoYe 2aa aa aea|aeae3a ae!aaa eeae3aae3aoeLaea$a>>Ye 2aae-a2a c$3/4aec ae3i1/4 a e|e ea>>Ye 2aaae1/4 Noam KaplanA ca The Futurea i1/4 ae|(R)c 2a>>Ye 2ae>>a1/2+-a-eca$a c e i1/4 a>>Yc ae1 aoae?ca aeaeceaeaea>>c3/4(C)aae2>>a(R) eaooaei1/4 a aea ae1/4c(R)ae3a c a1/4e2e! e(C)ai1/4 a1/4c1/4a$a(R)a aooaea a2a-ca aeaaa>>c a$ae>>a1/2+-ca1/2aa>>e! a>>Lae3i1/4 a3/4a ea1/4aae?ae2>>i1/4 a1/4e a$a(R)ae+-aYaoeLc a$aaea a ae ae ee +-eae>>a1/2+-aaea3/4e +-aea-a1i1/4 e|ae e>>a1/2+-a Shttla a e ae e +-aea c1ea1/2+-cecY10ae13aeYeac a$ae>>a1/2+-cc2ca1/2+-cae-La cY$110i1/4aeaooi1/4 a$80i1/4a-ca eei1/4 i1/4e a1a$a ae!eLae3/4ae a3/4 ae3/4a ecY$380i1/4aeaooi1/4 a$280i1/4a-caeeei1/4 i1/4a1/2+-e?ee! e- aec e>>a1/2+-cae ae e>>a1/2+-i1/4 a(R)$1,800a   Time Out says The annual Hong Kong Jewish